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Connector pinout: Macintosh Video

Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, 9500 Mac II Analog (35 KHz H, 66.67 Hz V - 640x480) Mac II and Quadra Analog (49.7 KHz H, 74.55 Hz V - 832x624)

15 PIN D-SUB FEMALE at the Computer.

1RED.GNDRed video ground
2RED.VIDRed video signal
3/CSYNCComposite synchronization signal
4SENSE0Monitor sense signal 0
5GRN.VIDGreen video signal
6GRN.GNDGreen video ground
7SENSE1Monitor sense signal 1
8NCNo connection
9BLU.VIDBlue video signal
10SENSE2Monitor sense signal 2
11GNDCSYNC and VSYNC ground
12/VSYNCVertical synchronization signal
13BLU.GNDBlue video ground
15/HSYNCHorizontal synchronization signal
ShellSGNDShield ground